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Sponsored Research

The Regional Research Institute occupies a unique position on the WVU campus. While limited in research staff, its activities and influence extend across a large number of disciplines, colleges and research units. 

All RRI staff members are expected to participate in external funding activities, including the preparation and submission of external funding proposals and the conduct of funded research. The RRI strives to include faculty from across campus in collaborative research proposals initiated in-house and also participates, whenever appropriate and possible, in initiatives centered elsewhere. Likewise, we seek to build relationships with researchers from other institutions, including continuing collaborations with scholars at other institutions, which have included the University of Pittsburgh, Carnegie-Mellon University, the Georgia Institute of Technology, the University of Washington, George Mason University, Florida International University, Pennsylvania State University, Virginia Polytechnic Institute, Arizona State University, the National Energy Technology Laboratory, the University of Maine, Marshall University, and West Virginia State University.

Realigning Skills for the Workforce of the Future

Collaborators: WVU Extension, West Virginia State University, the New River Gorge Regional Development Authority

Start Date: July 1, 2024

End Date: July 31, 2025

Funding: $100,000 from the Benedum Foundation

Project Summary: This project will develop and pilot a methodology for identifying and aligning current workforce skills with anticipated/future skills demand to guide training and economic development initiatives in the New River Gorge region of West Virginia.