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Past Seminars and Workshops


Monday, January 27th, 2020

SPEAKER: Chris Ivey, Documentary Filmmaker

TOPIC: Finding Beauty in the Raw - co-sponsored with the Department of Scoiology and Anthropology

Tuesday, April 9th, 2019

SPEAKER: Dr. Sergio Rey, Professor of Public Policy and Director, University of California, Riverside

TOPIC: PySAL 2.0: Lessons from the first 10 years

Thursday, March 28, 2019

SPEAKER: Dr. David B. Audretsch, Distinguished Professor, Ameritech Chair of Economic Development, Indiana University-Bloomington

TOPIC: Entrepreneurship and Regional Policy: The Role of Culture

Thursday, March 7, 2019

SPEAKER: Dr. Eveline van Leeuwen, Professor in Spatial Economics and Chair of Urban Economics, Wageningen University, Netherlands

TOPIC: Urban-Rural Interactions: more important than ever

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

SPEAKER: Dr. Michael Goodchild, Research Professor School of Geographical Sciences, Arizona University

TOPIC:  Geography and GIScience: An Evolving Relationship


Tuesday, April 17, 2018

SPEAKER: Dr. Jadwiga R. Ziolkowska, Assistant Professor, Environmental Economist, Department of Geography and Environmental Sustainability
University of Oklahoma (Co-sponsored with the Institute of Water Security and Science)

TOPIC: Sustainability of Biofuels in an Uncertain Decision Environment

Thursday, January 25, 2018

SPEAKER:  Dr. Fernando Salgueiro Perobelli, Professor of Economics and Researcher at the Territorial and Sectorial Analysis Laboratory (LATES/UFJF)
Federal University of Juiz de Fora, Brazil

TOPIC: Demographic Changes in Brazil and its Impact on Greenhouse Gas Emissions: An Input-Output Analysis

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

SPEAKER: Dr. Heather Stephens, Assistant Professor, Agricultural and Resource Economics, West Virginia University

TOPIC:  Economic Distress and Labor Market Participation


Thursday, November 17, 2016

SPEAKER: Dr. Patricio Aroca, Professor and Director of the Center for Economics and Policy Universidad Adolfo Ibanez Videl Mar, Chile and Associate Researcher of the Center for Conflict and Cohesion Studies of the Chilean National Fund for Science (CONICYT)

TOPIC:  The Smartness Migration Impacts on Smart Cities

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

SPEAKER: Dr. Max Schweizer, Foreign & Economic Affairs; Advisory – Lectures – Research

TOPIC: Brexit – the End of “Regionalism” in Europe? Observations of a Former Swiss Diplomat

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

SPEAKER: Dr. John Carruthers, Director, Sustainable Urban Planning Program, College of Professional Studies, George Washington University

TOPIC: A Revealed Preference Exploration of Quality of Life in Seoul, Korea: A Hedonic Approach

Thursday, March 10, 2016

SPEAKER: Dr. Luc Anselin, Regents’ Professor and Walter Isard Chair, Arizona State University

TOPIC: Spatial Data Science in a CyberGIS Era

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

SPEAKER: Dr. Emily Talen, Professor, School of Geographical Science and Urban Planning and School of Sustainability, Arizona State University

TOPIC: Unpacking New Urbanism: The Status of Walkable Diversity

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

SPEAKER: Dr. Scott Loveridge, Director of the North Central Regional Center for Rural Development, Michigan State University

TOPIC: Does Fracking Pay? County-level Economic Effects of Natural Gas Extraction & Policy Options

 Monday, February 29, 2016

SPEAKER: Dr. Jacob L. Vigdor, Daniel J. Evans Professor of Public Policy and Governance, University of Washington

TOPIC: A Eulogy For No Child Left Behind

Thursday, February 18, 2016

SPEAKER: Dr. Elizabeth A. Mack, Geography, Quantitative Social Research, Macroeconomics, International Economics, Michigan State University

TOPIC: The Broadband-Entrepreneurship Nexus (BEN)

Thursday, February 4, 2016

SPEAKER: Dr. Stuart McIntyre, Lecturer, Economics and course co-Director of the MSc in Global Energy Management, The University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland

Thursday, November 6, 2014

SPEAKER: Dr. Kenneth C. Martis, Professor of Geography, West Virginia University

TOPIC: Regions, Parties and Voting: Developing a Geographic Understanding of American Political History

Friday, April 4, 2014

SPEAKER:  Dr. Stephen Ross

TOPIC: The Housing and Educational Consequences of the School Choice Provisions of NCLB: Evidence from Charlotte NC (Co-sponsored with the College of Business & Economics)


Wednesday, December 4, 2013

SPEAKER: Dr. Andrei Belyi

TOPIC: Gazprom’s Strategies in the Aftermath of the Shale Gas (Co-sponsored with The Center for Energy and Sustainable Development, WVU College of Law, and WVU Atlantic Program, Department of History)

Thursday, October 24, 2013

SPEAKER: Dr. Trevor Harris, Eberly Distinguished Professor of Geography, WVU

TOPIC: GIS, Deep Mapping, and the Spatial Turn

Friday, September 27, 2013

SPEAKER: Dr. Daniel McMillen, University of Illinois

TOPIC: Assessments and Property Tax Variability: A Quantile Approach (co-sponsored with the College of Business & Economics)

Friday, September 6, 2013

SPEAKER: Dr. Olivier Parent, University of Cincinnati

TOPIC: Public School Consolidation: A Partial Observability Spatial Bivariate Probit Approach (co-sponsored with the College of Business & Economics)

Monday, June 24, 2013

SPEAKER: Dr. Stuart G. McIntyre, Lecturer (Assistant Professor), Department of Economics & Fraser of Allander Institute, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow

TOPIC: Personal Indebtedness, Community Characteristics and Theft Crime

Friday, June 14, 2013

SPEAKER: Dr. Stuart G. McIntyre, Lecturer (Assistant Professor), Department of Economics & Fraser of Allander Institute, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow

TOPIC: Feed in Tariffs and the Uptake of Household Renewable Energy Device in England & Wales 

Thursday, March 14, 2013

SPEAKER: Dr. Yohannes G. Hailu, Economic Affairs Officer/Energy Policy UN Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) Sub-Regional Office for Eastern Africa (SRO-EA), Kigali, Rwanda

TOPIC: Energy Access and Security Challenges and Implications to Economic Transformation in Eastern Africa

Thursday, March 21, 2013

SPEAKER: Dr. Jaewon Lim, Assistant Professor, School of Environmental and Public Affairs, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, NV

TOPIC: Attracting Highly Educated Migrants for Regional Economic Growth – Is this a Viable Solution to All?


November 29, 2012

SPEAKER: Dr. Carlos Roberto Azzoni, Professor of Economics University of Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil

TOPIC: Concentration and Inequality Across Brazilian Regions

September 7, 2012

SPEAKER: Dr. Nate Baum-Snow, Associate Professor of Economics, Brown University

TOPIC: Urban Transport Expansions, Employment Decentralization, and the Spatial Scope of Agglomeration Economies

April 26, 2012

SPEAKER: Dr. Sandy Dall’erba, Associate Professor of Geography and Development, Department of Economics (Affiliated), Graduate Interdisciplinary Program in Statistics (Affiliated) and Institute of the Environment (Affiliated), University of Arizona

TOPIC: Regional Economic Development, Public Expenditures and Spillover Effects: Guidance for ARRA and Future Regional Policies

March 9, 2012

SPEAKER: Dr. Badi H. Baltagi, Distinguished Professor of Economics, Syracuse University Senior Research Fellow, Center for Policy Research

TOPIC: Small Sample Properties and Pretest Estimation of a Spatial Hausman-Taylor Model

February 23, 2012

SPEAKER: Dr. Ingmar Prucha Professor, Department of Economics, University of Maryland Honorary Professor, University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria

TOPIC: On Two-step Estimation of a spatial autoregressive Model with Autoregressive Distrubances and Endogenous Regressors and Small Sample Properties of the I2(q) TestStatistic for Spatial Dependence

February 16, 2012

SPEAKER: Dr. Peter Nijkamp, Professor, Regional Economics, Economic Geography President, Governing Board Netherlands Research Council, VU University, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

TOPIC: Migration and Impact Assessment: New Horizons

January 9, 2012

SPEAKER: Dr. Jerry Jackson, Leader and Research Director

TOPIC: Smart Grid Developments and Utility/Fendor R&D Interests


December 1, 2011

SPEAKER: Dr. Raymond Florax, Professor, Department of Agricultural Economics, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN

TOPIC: Obesity and Fast Food in Urban Markets: A New Approach Using Geo-referenced Micro Data

October 20, 2011

SPEAKER: Dr. Bruce Newbold, Director, McMaster Institute of Environment and Health and Professor of Geography, McMaster University, Canada

TOPIC: Income Effects of Migration to a Large Metropolitan Area: Is Toronto an Escalator or Elevator?

September 29, 2011

SPEAKER: Dr. Attila Varga, Professor and Chair, Department of Economics and Regional Studies, Business and Economics, University of Pecs, Hungary

TOPIC: From the Geography of Innovation to Development Policy Impact Analysis.

April 28, 2011

SPEAKER: Dr. Aura Reggiani, Professor, Department of Economics, University of Bologna, Italy

TOPIC: Accessibility and Resilience in Complex Networks (Background Papers 1 and 2)

April 21, 2011

SPEAKER: Dr. Alessandra Faggian, Reader in Economic Geography, University of Southampton

TOPIC: Cultural Avoidance and Internal Migration in the USA: Do the Source Countries Matter?

March 31, 2011

SPEAKER: Dr. Elena Irwin, Professor, Agricultural, Environmental & Development Economics, Ohio State University

TOPIC: Explaining the Persistence of Scattered Urban Land Development: An Agent-Based Model of Exurban Land Markets

February 17, 2011

SPEAKER: Dr. Eveline S. van Leeuwen, Researcher, Afdelingen & Instituten

TOPIC: Microsimulation as a Tool in Developing Interregional Input-output Tables; A Case Study of the Cairngorms National Park in Scotland.


November 8, 2010

SPEAKER: Dr. Patricio Aroca, Professor of Economics, Catholic University of the North, Chile

TOPIC: Regional Cycle Synchronization in Chile

October 22, 2010

SPEAKER: Dr. Edward Coulson, Professor of Economics, The Pennsylvania State University

TOPIC: Measuring the External Benefits of Homeownership

April 29, 2010

SPEAKER: Dr. Edmund J. Zolnik, Assistant Professor, Department of Geography and Geoinformation Science, George Mason University

TOPIC: Estimates of Statewide and Nationwide Carbon Dioxide Emission Reductions and their Costs from Cash for Clunkers

April 22, 2010

SPEAKER: Dr. Richard E. Klosterman, Professor Emeritus, Department of Geography and Planning, University of Akron and President and CEO of What if?, Inc.

TOPIC: New Tools for a New Planning

April 8, 2010

SPEAKER: Nancy Lozano-Gracia, Economist, Finance, Economics and Urban Department, Sustainable Development Network, World Bank

TOPIC: The Price is Right: Improving Estimates of Cadastral Values in Bogota, Colombia through Submarket Definition

March 18, 2010

SPEAKER: Dr. Yu Xiao, Assistant Professor, Department of Landscape Architecture and Urban Planning, Texas A&M University

TOPIC: Economic Impacts of Hurricanes: Labor Market Adjustment after the Unexpected

March 16, 2010

SPEAKER: Haifeng Qian, Ph.D. Candidate, School of Public Policy, George Mason University

TOPIC: Modeling Knowledge-Based Regional Systems of Entrepreneurship

March 11, 2010

SPEAKER: Jae Hong Kim, Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Urban & Regional Planning, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

TOPIC: Integrating Regional & Sub-Regional Socio-Economic Forecasting and Analysis: A Spatial REIM (Regional Econometric Input-Output Model)


October 15, 2009

SPEAKER: Dr. Gianfranco Piras, Research Assistant Professor, REAL, University of Illinois atUrbana-Champaign

TOPIC: The Journey to Safety: Conflict-Driven Migration Flows in Colombia

October 8, 2009

LECTURER: Dr. Harvey J. Miller, Professor and Chair, Department of Geography, University of Utah

WORKSHOP: People in Geographical Information Science (Sponsored by WVU’s Regional Research Institute, Departments of Economics & Geography, and the Division of Resource Management)

August 10-13, 2009

Sponsored by WVU’s Regional Research Institute, Departments of Economics & Geography, and the Division of Resource Management

LECTURER: Karen Turner, Economics, University of Strathclyde, UK

WORKSHOP: Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) Modeling

May 11-14, 2009

Sponsored by WVU’s Regional Research Institute, Departments of Economics & Geography, and the Divison of Resource Management

LECTURER: James LeSage, Professor and Endowed Chair, Department of Finance and Economics, Texas State University at San Marcos

WORKSHOP: Introduction to Spatial Econometrics

March 12, 2009

SPEAKER: Dr. Donald J. Lacombe, Associate Professor of Economics, Ohio University

TOPIC: The Dual Spatial Autoregressive Probit Model with an Application to the 2001 Congressional Farm Bill

February 19, 2009

SPEAKER: Dr. Henk Folmer, Professor of Economics, Wageningen University and Professor of Methodology, University of Groningen, The Netherlands

TOPIC: How to Get Rid of W: A Latent Variables Approach to Modeling Spatially Lagged Variables


October 30, 2008

SPEAKER: Dr. Kenneth C. Martis, Professor of Geography, West Virginia University

TOPIC: Regions, Parties and Voting: The Historical Geography of United States Presidential

Elections: 1788-2008

March 13, 2008

SPEAKER: Dr. Serge Rey, Professor of Geography, San Diego State University

TOPIC: Exploratory Space-Time Analysis with STAR

February 7, 2008

SPEAKER: Dr. Roger Stough, Associate Dean for Research & Development, and External Relations, Professor & Director, ITS Center and NOVA Endowed Chair, George Mason University

TOPIC: Leadership and Regional Economic Development


November 29, 2007

SPEAKER: Dr. Geoffrey J. D. Hewings, Professor of Geography, Economics, and Urban & Regional Planning; Director of the Regional Economics Applications Laboratory, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

TOPIC: Demographic Challenges to Regional Development.

November 15, 2007

SPEAKER: Dr. William Bowen, Professor of Urban Studies, Maxine Goodman Levin College of Urban Affairs, Cleveland State University

TOPIC: Industrial Agglomeration and the Regional Scientific Explanation of Perceived Environnmental Injustice

October 11, 2007

SPEAKER: Dr. Edward Feser, Associate Professor & Interim Head of Urban & Regional Planning, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

TOPIC: Knowledge-Intensive Activity in U.S. Metro Areas: An Occupation-Based Analysis of 1990-2000 Trends

April 12, 2007

SPEAKER: Dr. Mario J. Miranda, Andersons Professor of Agricultural Finance & Risk Management, The Ohio State University

TOPIC: Numerical Solution of Stochastic Dynamic Economic Models: An Introduction

March 8, 2007

SPEAKER: Dr. Peter Batey, Lever, Professor of Town and Regional Planning, University of Liverpool

TOPIC: The Spatial Targeting of Urban Policy Initiatives: A Geodemographic Assessment Tool


October 26, 2006

SPEAKER: Dan Rickman, Professor and Chair of Regional Economic Analysis, William S. Spears School of Business, Oklahoma State University

TOPIC: Employment Growth in the American Urban Hierarchy: Long Live Distance

October 19, 2006

SPEAKER: Karen R. Polenske, Professor of Regional Political Economy and Planning, Department of Urban Studies and Planning, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

TOPIC: Coke and Steel: The Strategic Significance of their Regional Development in China in the Global Supply Chain

April 13, 2006

SPEAKER: Dr. Darla Munroe, Assistant Professor of Geography, Ohio State University

TOPIC: Multiscale Models of Exurban Land Conversion in Ohio

March 28, 2006

SPEAKER: Olivier Parent, Research Assistant, Economics, University of Saint-Etienne

TOPIC: Using the Variance Structure of the Conditional Autoregressive Spatial Specification to Model Knowledge Spillovers’

March 23, 2006

SPEAKER: John Parr, Professor of Regional and Urban Studies, University of Glasgow

TOPIC: Economic Definitions of the City

March 2, 2006

SPEAKER: John M. Quigley, I. Donald Terner Distinguished Professor and Professor of Economics, University of California, Berkeley

TOPIC: Urbanization, Productivity, and Innovation: Evidence from Investment in Higher


February 2, 2006

SPEAKER: John O’Loughlin, Professor of Geography, University of Colorado at Boulder

TOPIC: The Outcomes of Civil Wars: Ethnic Relations, Economic Collapse and Uncertain

Political Futures in Bosnia and the North Caucasus of Russia


December 8, 2005

SPEAKER: Art Getis, Emeritus Professor of Geography, San Diego State University

TOPIC: Finding ‘Appropriate’ Spatial Weights Matrices and Spatial Clusters Using AMOEBA to Create A Spatial Weights Matrix and Identify Spatial Clusters, and a Comparison to Other Clustering Algorithms

December 1, 2005

SPEAKER: Kingsley Haynes, Dean, School of Public Policy, George Mason University

TOPIC: Substitution and Complementarity Effects between Information Technology and Transportation: A Regional Perspective

October 28, 2005

SPEAKER: Ge Lin, Assistant Professor of Geography, West Virginia University

TOPIC: Climate Amenity, Physical Activity and Body Mass Index, a Geographic Analysis based on the 2003 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System Surveys in the U.S.

September 9, 2005

SPEAKER: Phil Graves, Professor of Economics, University of Colorado, Boulder

TOPIC: Some Implications of a Flaw in the Valuation of Public Good

June 23, 2005

SPEAKER: Lei Ding, School of Public Policy, George Mason University

TOPIC: The Role of Telecommunications Infrastructure in Regional Economic Growth in China

May 19, 2005

SPEAKER: Julie Hwang, Geography, SUNY, Buffalo

TOPIC: The Effects of Housing Market Segmentation on Commuting: A Geographical Analysis

May 17, 2005

SPEAKER: Up Lim, Research Associate, Center for Urban Studies, Wayne State University

TOPIC: Knowledge Externalities, Spatial Dependence and Innovative Activity in U.S.Metropolitan Areas

January 28, 2005

SPEAKER: John Pickles, Earl N. Phillips Distinguished Chair of International Studies and Professor of Geography, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

TOPIC: On the Social History and Geography of Mapping

January 19, 2005

SPEAKER: Scott Loveridge, Professor, Agricultural Economics, Michigan State University

TOPIC: Who Takes the Long View in Developing a Region


November 5, 2004

SPEAKER: Bjarne Madsen, Director of Research, Institute of Local Government Studies, AKF, Copenhagen, Denmark

TOPIC: Theoretical and Operational Issues in Sub-regional Economic Modelling, Illustrated through the Development and Application of the LINE Model

November 8, 2004

SPEAKER: Graham Clarke, Professor, Geography, University of Leeds, UK

TOPIC: Applied Microsimulation in Regional Science

October 8, 2004

Cosponsored with the Department of Geology and Geography

SPEAKER: Dawn Parker, Assistant Professor, Department of Geography and Environmental Science and Policy, Center for Social Complexity, George Mason University

TOPIC: Edge-Effect Externalities and the Evolution of Complex Land-Use Patterns at the Urban-Rural Fringe

October 1, 2004

SPEAKER: Janet E. Kohlhase, Associate Professor, Economics, University of Houston

TOPIC: Firm Location in a Polycentric City: The Effects of Public Policy and Firm Characteristics on Location Decisions

April 22-23, 2004

SPEAKER: Dick Conway, Principal of Dick Conway and Associates, a Seattle firm engaged in economic research and consulting

TOPIC: The Practice of Regional Economics: Modeling and Applications


October 31, 2003

SPEAKER: Jerome E. Dobson, Professor of Geography and Research Professor, Kansas Applied Remote Sensing Program, University of Kansas

TOPIC: GIS, Warfare and Society

September 19, 2003

SPEAKER: Eric Sheppard, Professor of Geography, University of Minnesota

TOPIC: GIS and Critical Geography

April 24, 2003

SPEAKER: Duane Marble, Professor Emeritus of Geography, The Ohio State University

TOPIC: Problems of Movement in Space and Time: Refining Our Views of Impedance at the Level of the Individual. Abstract on Duane Marble’s Seminar

April 15, 2003

SPEAKER: Peter McGregor, Professor and Head of the Department of Economics, University of Strathclyde, UK

TOPIC: The Importance of the Regional/Local Dimension of Sustainable Development: An llustrative Computable General Equilibrium Analysis of the Jersey Economy


February 6, 2002

SPEAKER: Alan T. Murray, Associate Professor of Geography, Ohio State University

TOPIC: Geographical Considerations in Forest Management Planning

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Scale and Unit Specification Influences in Harvest Scheduling with Maximum Area Restrictions appeared in Forest Science, 48,4:779-788, 2002.

March 1, 2002

SPEAKER: Jesse Richardson, Jr., Assistant Professor, Institute for Metropolitan Research, Virginia Tech

TOPIC: From Mandate to Smart Growth: The Evolution of Growth Management in the United States

March 7, 2002

SPEAKER: Anne K. Knowles, Assistant Professorial Lecturer, George Washington University; author of Calvinists Incorporated

TOPIC: Streets of Hell, Devil’s Pride: The World of the 19th Century Iron Workers

March 19, 2002

SPEAKER: Daniel R. Williams, U.S. Forest Service; and Steve Selin, Associate Professor, WVU Division of Forestry

TOPIC: The Fulbright Scholar Program: Cross Cultural Reflections from Norway and Finland

April 5, 2002

SPEAKER: James LeSage, Professor of Economics, University of Toledo

TOPIC: Missing Values in the Presence of Spatial Dependence

April 12, 2002

SPEAKER: W. L. (Vic) Adamowicz, Gilbert White Visiting Fellow, Resources for the Future, Washington, DC; Canada Research Chair and Professor, University of Alberta

TOPIC: The Evolution of Public Land Forest Management in Canada: Is it Sustainable?

October 18, 2002

SPEAKER: Mark S. Kieser, Senior Scientist, Kieser and Associates

TOPIC: Watershed-based trading in the Midwest


June 18, 2001

SPEAKER: Fernanda Jose, the Assistant Director of the Center of Investigation and Documentation for Integral Development (CIDDI) in the Catholic University of Mozambique

TOPIC: GIS and Education in Sofala Province-Mozambique

May 30, 2001

SPEAKER: Abeda Dawood, the Deputy Director of the Centre for Environmental Studies in the Department of Zoology and Entomology, at the University of Pretoria, South Africa

TOPIC: Biodiversity Conservation Challenges in Post-Apartheid South Africa 2001

April 25, 2001

SPEAKER: Peter V. Schaeffer, Director, Division of Resource Management and Professor of Resource Economics, West Virginia University

TOPIC: Research in Migration

April 23, 2001

SPEAKER: Richard Healey, Professor of Geography, University of Portsmouth, UK

TOPIC: Business Decision-Making and Regional Dynamics: A Case Study of the 19th Century Pennsylvanian Anthracite Coal Industry

April 11, 2001

SPEAKER: Dr. Randall W. Jackson, Associate Professor of Geography, Ohio State University

TOPIC: A Model of Spatial Competition

March 9, 2001

SPEAKER: Shuming Bao, Senior Research Associate China Research Data Center, University of Michigan

TOPIC: Economic Geography and Regional Growth in China


November 8, 2000

SPEAKER: Christopher Williams, Senior Lecturer in History, Cardiff University

TOPIC: Labour’s Century: The Politics of the South Wales Coalfield

November 3, 2000

SPEAKER: Kenneth Martis, Professor, Geography, West Virginia University

TOPIC: Regions, Districts and Parties: The 2000 Election in Historical Context

October 20, 2000

SPEAKER: Cindi Katz, Deputy Executive Officer, Department of Environmental Psychology, CUNY

TOPIC: The Hidden Geographies of Social Reproduction

October 6, 2000

SPEAKER: Randall Rosenberger, Assistant Professor, Agricultural and Resource Economics, West Virginia University

TOPIC: Valuing West Virginia’s Assets: Reaping What Others Know

September 29, 2000

SPEAKER: Richard Couto, Professor, Jepson School of Leadership Studies, University of Richmond; Editor, Journal of Appalachian Studies, West Virginia University

TOPIC: Building Civil Society in Appalachia: Social Capital and Non-Profit Organizations

September 22, 2000

SPEAKER: Ge Lin, Assistant Professor of Geography, West Virginia University

TOPIC: Access to Health Care: Geographic Information Perspective

September 8, 2000

SPEAKER: David Freshwater, Professor of Agricultural Economics, University of Kentucky

TOPIC: Ready or Not? The Rural South and its Workforce

August 22, 2000

SPEAKER: Smile Dube, Associate Professor of Economics, California State University, Sacramento

TOPIC: Zimbabwe’s Economic Development Experience since 1980

April 28, 2000

SPEAKER: Grant Saff, Assistant Professor, Department of Economics and Geography, Hofstra University

TOPIC: Urban Planning in South Africa: Lessons from the Past and Challenges for the Future.

April 24, 2000

SPEAKER: Robert Hanham and Shawn Banasick, Professor and Graduate Research Assistant, Department of Geology and Geography, West Virginia University

WORKSHOP: Modeling Local Area Manufacturing Employment Change in Japan in a Period of Global Restructuring?

March17, 2000

SPEAKER: Henri Nsanjama, Vice President, Africa/Madagascar, World Wildlife Fund

TOPIC: Can Sustainable Development and Resource Utilization be Achieved in Southern Africa?

March 13, 2000

SPEAKER: Lazaro Luis Gonzalez and Esteban Morales Domínguez, Economists, University of Havana

TOPIC: Regional Economic Development in the Cuban Context

February 25, 2000

SPEAKER: Elena Irwin, Assistant Professor of Agricultural, Environmental, and Development Economics, Ohio State University

TOPIC: Explaining the Evolution of “Sprawl” Land Use Patterns at the Urban-Rural Fringe

January 28, 2000

SPEAKER: Joseph R. Oppong, Associate Professor, Geography, University of North Texas

TOPIC: Structural Adjustment and the African AIDS Crisis

January 26, 2000

SPEAKER: Marty Dodson, Ph.D., Department of Economics, West Virginia University

WORKSHOP: Welfare Generosity and Location Choices Among New United States  Immigrants

January 25, 2000

SPEAKER: Stephan J. Goetz, Director of the Northeast Regional Center for Rural Development and Professor of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology, Pennsylvania State University

TOPIC: Identifying Critical Rural Development Issues

January 14, 2000

SPEAKER: John M. Gowdy, Professor of Economics, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

TOPIC: Weak versus Strong Sustainability: Beyond Economic Man


November 18, 1999

SPEAKER: Timothy J. Bartik, Senior Economist, W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research

TOPIC: Jobs for the Poor: Labor Supply vs. Labor Demand Policies

October 19, 1999

SPEAKER: Alaric Maude, Senior Lecturer and Head of the School of Geography, Flinders University, Australia

TOPIC: What Helps a Regional Development Agency be Effective? Lessons from Australia

October 8, 1999

SPEAKER: Steve Wing, Associate Professor, Department of Epidemiology, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

TOPIC: Environmental Injustice in North Carolina Swine Industries

October 1, 1999

SPEAKER: W. Graeme Donovan, Principal Economist, Eastern and Southern Africa, World Bank, Washington, DC

TOPIC: Rural Development in Africa: A World Bank Perspective

September 28, 1999

SPEAKER: Clifford M. Johnson, Senior Fellow, Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, Washington, DC

TOPIC: Public Job Creation: New Approaches in a New Era of Welfare Reform

September 10, 1999

SPEAKER: Paul Robbins, Assistant Professor, Geography, Ohio State University

TOPIC: Fixed Categories in a Portable Landscape: Exploring Contradictions in Land Cover Analysis in India

April 27, 1999

SPEAKER: Ed Zahniser, Writer and Editor, National Park Service

TOPIC: Educating for Wilderness and Wildness: Toward a Social Contract with the Land

March 12, 1999

SPEAKER: Robert Hanham and Shawn Banasick, Professor and Graduate Research Assistant, Department of Geology and Geography, West Virginia University

WORKSHOP: Economic Crisis, Spatial Clustering and the Uneven Development of Manufacturing in Japan, 1985-95

February 26, 1999

SPEAKER: Thomas F. Torries, Professor, Agricultural and Resource Economics, West Virginia University

TOPIC: West Virginia Reserve Coal Valuation Model Applications

February 19, 1999

SPEAKER: Thomas W. Ilvento, Associate Professor of Food and Resource Economics, University of Delaware

TOPIC: Communication, Fairness, and Trust in Poultry Grower Contracts: The Growers’ Perspective

January 29, 1999

SPEAKER: Gregory Elmes, Professor of Geography, West Virginia University

WORKSHOP: Mapping Heart Disease Mortality in Appalachia: The Roles of Ethnic Status, Gender, Social Environment, and Access to Care


November 20, 1998

SPEAKER: Vito Perrone, Director of Teacher Education, Harvard University

TOPIC: Policies that Support Good Rural Schools

October 16, 1998

SPEAKER: Kenneth E. Stone, Professor of Economics and Extension Economist, Iowa State University

TOPIC: The Future of Small Town Retail in a World of Giants

October 2, 1998

SPEAKER: J. Bradford Jensen, Executive Director, Carnegie Mellon Census Research Data Center

TOPIC: Exporting and Growth: Evidence from U.S. Manufacturing

September 18, 1998

SPEAKER: Jesse L. White Jr., Federal Co-Chairman of the Appalachian Regional Commission

TOPIC: Regional Development Policy in the U.S. in the New Century

April 24, 1998

SPEAKER: David Greenstreet, Research Associate, Bureau of Business and Economic Research, West Virginia University

TOPIC: The Use of the REMI Model for Regional Development Planners

February 27, 1998

SPEAKER: John B. Engberg, Associate Professor of Economics, Carnegie Mellon University

TOPIC: Enterprise Zones and Housing Markets

February 13, 1998

SPEAKER: Carl Milofsky, Professor of Sociology, Bucknell University

TOPIC: Building Social Capital: The Community Resource Exchange as a Virtual Organization

February 6, 1998

SPEAKER: Joseph D. Coffey, Vice President of Economics and Strategic Initiatives, Southern States Cooperative, Inc., Richmond, VA

TOPIC: Universities are Vital to Rural Vitality

January 23, 1998

SPEAKER: Linda M. Lobao, Professor of Agricultural Education, Ohio State University

TOPIC: Conceptualizations of Economic Change, Income Levels and Inequality: A National Analysis, 1970-1990


October 31, 1997

SPEAKER: Harry H. Kelejian, Professor of Economics, University of Maryland, and Dennis Robinson, Institute for Water Resources, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, VA

TOPIC: Returns to Investment in Navigation Infrastructure

October 17, 1997

SPEAKER: Zoltan Acs, Chief Economic Advisor, Office of Advocacy, U.S. Small Business Administration, Washington, DC

TOPIC: Regional and Global Systems of Innovation

September 19, 1997

SPEAKER: Carla Dickstein, Senior Development Officer, Research and Policy Development, Coastal Enterprises, Inc., Maine

TOPIC: The Challenge of Sustainable Development in Practice: The Coastal Enterprises, Inc. Experience

September 12, 1997

SPEAKER: Esther Wangari, Assistant Professor of Women’s Studies, Towson University

TOPIC: The Effects of Kenyan Land Reform on Female-Headed Households

April 25, 1997

SPEAKER: Bill Bishop, Columnist and Associate Editor, Lexington Herald Leader

TOPIC: Reflections and Conclusions about Appalachian Development

April 11, 1997

SPEAKER: Sally Maggard and F. Carson Mencken, Associate Professor and Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, West Virginia University

WORKSHOP: The Informal Economy in West Virginia: Recent Evidence from the WestVirginia Social Indicator Survey

April 4, 1997

SPEAKER: Munroe Eagles, Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, and Research Scientist, NCGIA, SUNY, Buffalo

TOPIC: The Political Ecology of Local Party Organization: The Case of Canada

March 21, 1997

SPEAKER: George Penick, President, Foundation for the Mid South

TOPIC: Harnessing Private Wealth for the Common Good: The Story of the Foundation for the Mid South

February 28, 1997

SPEAKER: Lionel J. (Bo) Beaulieu, Professor of Family, Youth, and Community Sciences, and Director of the Florida Inter-University Center for Child, Family, and Community Studies, University of Florida

TOPIC: Building Human Capital to Sustain Communities: The Ingredients of School Success

February 21, 1997

SPEAKER: David Rasmussen, Professor of Economics, and Director of the Policy Sciences Center, Florida State University

TOPIC: Crime and Regional Development Policy

January 24, 1997

SPEAKER: Cornelia B. Flora, Professor of Sociology, and Director of North Central Regional Center for Rural Development, Iowa State University

TOPIC: Cooperation in the New Economy: How Social Capital Creates Wealth


November 22, 1996

SPEAKER: Cynthia Rogers and Stephen Ellis, Research Assistant Professor, Regional Research

Institute, West Virginia University; Visiting Scholar, Rutgers University

WORKSHOP: Local Economic Development as a Game

November 13, 1996

SPEAKER: Raymond Florax, Guest Speaker, Wageningen University, The Netherlands

PANELISTS: Luc Anselin, Research Professor, Regional Research Institute, West Virginia

University; Attila Varga, Research Assistant, Regional Research Institute, West Virginia University

WORKSHOP: Role of Universities in the Regional Economy

November 8, 1996

SPEAKER: Lisa Kelly, Assistant Professor of Law, West Virginia University

TOPIC: Race and Place: Defining Community in the Post-Shaw Era

November 1, 1996

SPEAKER: Kenneth C. Martis, Professor of Geography, West Virginia University

TOPIC: Districts, Parties, and Voting: The Geography Behind the 1996 Elections

October 25, 1996

SPEAKER: Robert Walker, Associate Professor of Geography, Florida State University

TOPIC: Ecosystem Change and the Regional Economy: The Case of Human Encroachment into

South Florida

October 18, 1996

SPEAKER: Beth Barnett and Gregory Elmes, Assistant Professor of Community Medicine; Professor of Geography, West Virginia University

WORKSHOP: Defining Regions for Epidemiologic Studies of Uneven Development and Cardiovascular Disease

October 11, 1996

SPEAKER: Roger Lohmann, Professor of Social Work, West Virginia University

WORKSHOP: Aging and Civil Society

October 4, 1996

SPEAKER: Gary Hunt, Libra Professor in Regional Economics, University of Maine

TOPIC: Are Native Workers Harmed by Immigration? Regional Labor Market Adjustment in the U.S.

September 13, 1996

SPEAKER: Paul Knox, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, Professor of Urban Affairs, Director, Center for Urban and Regional Studies, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

TOPIC: The New Urbanism: A Geographical Perspective

APRIL 26, 1996

SPEAKER: Amy K. Glasmeier, Professor and Head, Department of Geography, Pennsylvania State University

TOPIC: How Do Firms Learn? Increasing Competitiveness and the Role of Internal and External Environments

April 19, 1996

SPEAKER: Ann R. Tickamyer, Professor, Department of Sociology, University of Kentucky

TOPIC: Public Policy and Private Lives: Social and Spatial Dimensions of Women’s Poverty

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and Welfare Policy in Rural Appalachia

March 22, 1996

SPEAKER: Lawrence A. Brown, President, North American Regional Science Council, President Elect, Association of American Geographers, Professor and Chair, Department of Geography, Ohio State University

TOPIC: Recent Economic Change and Migration in the Ohio River Valley

March 15, 1996

SPEAKER: Timothy J. Bartik, Senior Economist, W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research

TOPIC: Guiding Principles for Effective Strategies for Local Economic Development

February 16, 1996

SPEAKER: V. Kerry Smith, Director of the Center for Environmental and Resource Economics, Duke University

TOPIC: The Role of Regional Relevance in Environmental Economics


December 1, 1995

SPEAKER: David M. Mark, Professor of Geography and Associate Director, National Center for Geographic Information Systems and Analysis (NCGIA), SUNY, Buffalo

TOPIC: Representations in Language, Culture, and Geographic Information Systems

November 17, 1995

SPEAKER: Altina L. Waller, Professor and Head, Department of History, University of Connecticut

TOPIC: Hatfields and McCoys: Understanding Social Change in Appalachia

October 27, 1995

SPEAKER: Roger E. Bolton, Brough Professor of Economics, Williams College

TOPIC: An Economist’s Interpretation of a ‘Sense of Place

October 6, 1995

SPEAKER: Wilpen L. Gorr, Professor of Public Policy and Management Information Systems, H. John Heinz III School of Public Policy, Carnegie Mellon University

TOPIC: New Bayesian Methods for Regional Forecasting: Applications to Infant Mortality and Revenue Forecasting

September 15, 1995

SPEAKER: Gerard Rushton, Professor of Geography and Hospital and Health Administration, University of Iowa

TOPIC: Geographic Information Systems and Public Health