Research reports prepared as a result of government or private agency grants.
Appalachian Regional Commission
Submissions for 2021
Cluster Analysis
Economic Structure in Appalachia's Urban Regions: Clustering and Diversification Strategies. Randall W. Jackson, Peter Jarosi, Gi-Eu Lee, and Sara Farhangdoost.
Economic Structure in Appalachia's Urban Regions: Clustering and Diversification Strategies Supplement 4, Regions 1-30. Randall W. Jackson, Péter Járosi, Gi-Eu Lee, and Sara Farhangdoost.
Economic Structure in Appalachia's Urban Regions: Clustering and Diversification Strategies Supplement 2, Regions 31-60. Randall W. Jackson, Péter Járosi, Gi-Eu Lee, and Sara Farhangdoost.
Economic Structure in Appalachia's Urban Regions: Clustering and Diversification Strategies Supplement 3, Regions 61-90. Randall W. Jackson, Péter Járosi, Gi-Eu Lee, and Sara Farhangdoost.
Economic Structure in Appalachia's Urban Regions: Clustering and Diversification Strategies Supplement 4, Regions 91-120. Randall W. Jackson, Péter Járosi, Gi-Eu Lee, and Sara Farhangdoost.
Power Industry Ecosystem
An Economic Analysis of Appalachian Power Industry Ecosystems County-level PIE Supply Chain Analysis. Randall Jackson and Péter Járosi.
An Evaluation of Databases Drawn from the National Survey of Substance Abuse Treatment Services (N-SSATS). Brian Cushing and Elham Erfanian.
Submissions for 2020
Coal Industry Effects on Education
The Coal Industry and Funding Support for Elementary and Secondary Education in Appalachia: A Descriptive Analysis. Jilleah G. Welch and Matthew N. Murray.
The Impact of Coal Activity on Local Revenues for Elementary and Secondary Education in Appalachia. Jilleah G. Welch and Matthew N. Murray.
Shift Share Analyses
Shift-Share Analysis: Appalachian Counties. Randall Jackson and Péter Járosi.
Shift-Share Analysis: Appalachian Region Micropolitan and Metropolitan Areas, 2005-2018 Part I. Regions 1-60. Randall Jackson and Péter Járosi.
Shift-Share Analysis: Appalachian Region Micropolitan and Metropolitan Areas, 2005-2018 Part II. Regions 61-120. Randall Jackson and Péter Járosi.
Shift Share Analysis: Alabama, 2005-2018. Randall Jackson and Péter Járosi.
Shift Share Analysis: Georgia, 2005-2018. Randall Jackson and Péter Járosi.
Shift Share Analysis: Kentucky, 2005-2018. Randall Jackson and Péter Járosi.
Shift Share Analysis: Maryland, 2005-2018. Randall Jackson and Péter Járosi.
Shift Share Analysis: Mississippi, 2005-2018. Randall Jackson and Péter Járosi.
Shift Share Analysis: New York, 2005-2018. Randall Jackson and Péter Járosi.
Shift Share Analysis: North Carolina, 2005-2018. Randall Jackson and Péter Járosi.
Shift Share Analysis: Ohio, 2005-2018. Randall Jackson and Péter Járosi.
Shift Share Analysis: Pennsylvania, 2005-2018. Randall Jackson and Péter Járosi.
Shift Share Analysis: South Carolina, 2005-2018. Randall Jackson and Péter Járosi.
Shift Share Analysis: Tennessee, 2005-2018. Randall Jackson and Péter Járosi.
Shift Share Analysis: Virginia, 2005-2018. Randall Jackson and Péter Járosi.
Shift Share Analysis: West Virginia, 2005-2018. Randall Jackson and Péter Járosi.
Submissions for 2018
Appalachian Coal Industry Ecosystem
An Economic Analysis of the Appalachian Coal Industry Ecosystem: Summary Report. Randall W. Jackson, Eric Bowen, Christiadi, John Deskins, Brian Lego, Péter Járosi, Mark L. Burton, Rebecca J. Davis, Charles Simms, Matthew Murray, Péter Schaeffer.
An Overview of the Coal Economy in Appalachia. Eric Bowen, Christiadi, John Deskins, and Brian Lego.
The Economic Impacts and Risks Associated with Electric Power Generation in Appalachia. Eric Bowen, Christiadi, Rebecca J. Davis, John Deskins, and Charles Sims.
National Energy Technology Laboratory
Submissions for 2023
Submissions for 2009
National and State Economic Impact of NETL. Randall Jackson, Amanda Krugh, Brian LaShier, and Ronald Munson.
Submissions for 2008
EPacT Project: Valuing Domestically Produced Natural Gas and Oil. Randall Jackson, Lisa Phares, and Christa Jensen.