Books, book chapters, and publications in refereed journals.
Court, Christa D., Randall W. Jackson, Amanda J. Harker Steele, Justin Adder, Gavin Pickenpaugh, and Charles Zelek. Extending the Macroeconomic Impacts Forecasting Capabilities of the National Energy Modeling System. The Energy Journal. 43:4 (2022)
Court, Christa D., and Elham Erfanian. A Role for Regional Science in Analyzing Water Issues. The Review of Regional Studies. 49, pp. 184-189. (2019).
Erfanian, Elham, Daniel Grossman, and Alan R. Collins. The Impact of Naloxone Access Laws on Opiod Overdose Deaths in the U.S. The Review of Regional Studies. 49:1, pp.45-72. (2019).
Jackson, Randall W., Amir Borges Ferreira Neto, Elham Erfanian, and Péter Járosi. Woody Biomass Processing and Rural Regional Development. Economic Development Quarterly. 33:3, pp. 234-247, (2019).
Chen, Jing. Geographical Scale, Industrial Diversity, and Regional Economic Stability. Growth and Change. 50:2, pp 609-633, (2019)
Erfanian, Elham, and Alan R. Collins. Charges for Water and Access: What Explains the Differences Among West Virginian Municipalities? Water Economics and Policy. 4:4. (2018)
Chen, Jing, and Randall W. Jackson. Coauthorship in Regional Science: A Case Study of the WVU RRI Research Community. The International Regional Science Review. 41:4, pp. 387-409. (2018).
Neto, Amir Borges Ferreira. Charity and Public Libraries: Does Government Funding Crowd Out Donations? Journal of Cultural Economics. 42:4, PP525-542. (2018).
Jackson, Randall, Amir Borges Ferreira, and Elham Erfanian. Woody Biomass Processing: Potential Economic Impacts on Rural Regions. Energy Policy. 115, pp. 66-77. (2018).
Neto, Amir Borges Ferreira, Fernando S. Perobelli, and Alexandre Rabello. Looking Behind the Scenes: An Assessment of the Interdependence of Brazilian Cultural Industries. The Review of Regional Studies. 48, pp. 217-243. (2018).
Járosi, Péter. Modelling Network Interdependencies of Regional Economies using Spatial Econometric Techniques. Regional Statistics, 7:1, pp. 3-16. (2017)
Alkhweldi, Marwin, Natalia A. Schmid, and Richard M. Prestage. A Blind Transform Based Approach for the Detection of Isolated Astrophysical Pulses. In 2017 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASAP). pp. 3944-3948. (2017).
Jackson, Randall W., Sergio Rey and Péter Járosi. Object Orientation, Open Regional Science, and Cumulative Knowledge Building. In Jackson, Randall W., Peter Schaeffer (eds) Regional Research Frontiers: Vol. 2, Advances in Spatial Science (The Regional Science Series). pp. 259-282. Springer, Cham. (2017)
Jackson, Randall W. and Peter V. Schaeffer (Eds).
Regional Research Frontiers - Vol. 1: Innovations, Regional Growth and Migration.
Springer. (2017).
Jackson, Randall W. and Peter V. Schaeffer (Eds). Regional Research Frontiers - Vol 2 – Methodological Advances, Regional Systems Modeling and Open Sciences. Springer. (2017).
Sayago-Gomez, Juan-Tomás, Gianfranco Piras, Randall W. Jackson and Donald J. Lacombe. Impact Evaluation of Investments in the Appalachian Region: A Reappraisal. International Regional Science Review. 41:6, pp. 601-629. (2017).
Erfanian, Elham, and Amir Borges Ferreira Neto. Scientific Output: Labor or Capital Intensive? An Analysis for Selected Countries. Scientometrics. 112:1, pp. 461-482. (2017)
Tian, Ming, Zheng Tian, and Brian Cushing. Inter-city Migration in China: A Recurrent-Event Duration Analysis of Repeat Migration. Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society. 9:3, pp. 551-569. (2016).
Zhao, Xueting and Randall W. Jackson. China’s Inter-Regional Trade of Virtual Water: A Multi-Regional Input-Output Table Based Analysis. Water Economics and Policy. 2:2. (2016).
Goncalves, Eduardo, and Amir Borges Ferreira Neto. Intersectoral Flows of Technological Knowledge in Emerging Countries: An Input-Output Analysis. Cepal Review. 118, pp. 135-155. (2016).
Neto, Amir Borges Ferreira, Collin D. Hodges and Hyunwoong Pyun. Voting Dynamics and the Birth of State-Owned Casinos in Kansas. Economics Bulletin. 36:1. pp. 329-336. (2016).
Neto, Amir Borges Ferreira, Wilson Luiz Rotatori Correa and FS Perobelli. Energy Consumption and Economic Growth: an Analysis of Brazil in the period 1970-2009. Análise Econômica. 34:65, pp.181-203. (2016).
Burnett, J. Wesley, Randall W. Jackson and Robert Blobaum. The State of Play in Poland’s Unconventional Shale and Oil Development. Development Policy Review. 33:4, pp. 395-414. (2015).
Bivand, Roger and Gianfranco Piras. Comparing Implementations of Estimation Methods for Spatial Econometrics. Journal of Statistical Software 63:18. (2015).
Bologna, Jamie, Donald J. Lacombe and Andrew T. Young. A Spatial Analysis of Incomes and Institutional Quality: Evidence from US Metropolitan Areas. Journal of Institutional Economics. 12:1, pp. 191-216 (2015)
Court, Christa D., Max Munday, Annette Roberts, and Karen Turner. Can Hazardous Waste Supply Chain ‘Hotspots’ be Identified Using an Input-Output Framework? European Journal of Operational Research. 241:1, pp. 177-187. (2015).
Hoffer, Adam, Brad R. Humphreys, Donald J. Lacombe and Jane E. Ruseski. Trends in NCAA Athletic Spending: Arms Race or Rising Tide? Journal of Sports Economics. 16:6 pp. 576-596. (2015).
Jackson, Randall W. Are Industry Clusters and Diversity Strange Bedfellows? The Review of Regional Studies. 45:2, pp. 113-129. (2015)
Jackson, Randall W., Christa D. Court and Hodjat Ghadimi. Linking Environment and Economic Frameworks to Model Technology Transitions. Handbook of Research Methods and Applications in Environmental Studies. Edward Elgar Publishing. Chapter 13, pp. 299-326. (2015).
Kalenkoski Charlene M., and Donald J. Lacombe. Using Spatial Econometric Techniques to Analyze the Joint Employment Decisions of Spouses. Journal of Labor Research. 36:1, pp. 67-77. (2015).
Lacombe, Donald J. and James P. LeSage. Using Bayesian Posterior Model Probabilities to Identify Omitted Variables in Spatial Regression Models. Papers in Regional Science. 94:2, pp. 365-383. (2015).
West, Guy R. and Randall W. Jackson. Simulating Impacts on Regional Economies: In Hospitality, Travel, and Tourism: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications. IGI Global.pp. 1064-1083. (2015).
Zhao, Xueting, J. Wesley Burnett, and Donald J. Lacombe. Province-Level Convergence of China CO2 Emmision Intensity: A Spatial Dynamic Panel Data Analysis. Applied Energy. No. 329-2016-13160, pp. 2-22. (2014)
Burnett, J. Wesley and Xueting Zhao. Forecasting U.S. State-Level Carbon Dioxide Emissions. The Review of Regional Studies. 44:3, pp. 223-240. (2014).
Holloway, Garth, Donald J. Lacombe and Timothy M. Shaughnessy. How Large is Congressional Dependence in Agriculture? Bayesian Inference about “Scale” and “Scope” in Measuring a Spatial Externality. Journal of Agricultural Economics. 65:2, pp. 463-484. (2014).
Court, Christa D., Factors Affecting the Economic Viability of Carbon Capture and Storage in Power Generation. MEI Energy Perspectives. Winter 2014.
Sayago-Gómez, Juan Tomás.
The Spatial Agglomeration of Educated People in Colombia.
Cuadernos de Economía
. 33:62, pp. 297-317. (2014).
Eff E.A. and Christa D. Jensen. The Integration of Periodic Markets in Mayan Guatemala: A Gravity Approach. Economic Anthropology. 34, pp. 349-374. (2014).
Schaeffer, Peter V., Scott Loveridge, and Stephan Weiler. Urban and Rural: Opposites No More! Economic Development Quarterly. 28:1, pp. 3-4. (2014).
Jackson, Randall W. and
Christa D. Court. Embedding New Technologies and Extending Time Horizons in Input-Output Analysis. In Schaeffer P.V., Kouassi E. (eds) in Econometric Methods for Analyzing Economic Development. IGI Global. pp. 192-204. (2014).
Kelejian, Harry K. and Gianfranco Piras. Estimation of Spatial Models with Endogenous Weighting Matrices and an Application to a Demand Model for Cigarettes. Regional Science and Urban Economics. 46, pp. 140-149. (2014).
Lacombe, Donald J. and James P. LeSage. Using Bayesian Posterior Model Probabilities to Identify Omitted Variables in Spatial Regression Models. Papers in Regional Science. 94:2, pp. 365-393. (2015). (2013).
Nondo, Chali, Peter V. Schaeffer and Mulugeta S. Kahsai . The Role of Governance in Teledensity and Economic Growth: GMM Estimation. In Schaeffer P.V., Kouassi E. (eds) in Econometric Methods for Analyzing Economic Development. IGI Global. pp. 262-278. (2014).
Piras, Gianfranco. Impact Estimates for Statis Spatial Panel Data Models in R. Letters in Spatial and Resource Sciences. 7:3, pp. 213-223. (2014).
Piras, Gianfranco and Ingmar R. Prucha. On the Finite Sample Properties of Pre-test Estimators of Spatial Models. Regional Science and Urban Economcis. 46, pp. 103-115. (2014).
Duncan, Dustin T., Ichiro Kawachi, Susan Kum, Jared Aldstadt, Gianfranco Piras, Stephen A. Matthews, Giuseppe Arbia, Mardia C. Castro, Kellee White and David R. Williams. A Spatially Explicit Approach to the Study of Socio-Demographic Inequality in the Spatial Distribution of Trees Across Boston Neighborhoods. Spatial Demography. 2:1, pp. 1-29. (2014).
Schaeffer, Peter V., and Eugene Kouassi, editors. Econometric Methods for Analyzing Economic Development. IGI Global. ISBN: 9781466643307. (2013)
Tian, Zheng. Measuring Agglomeration Using the Standardized Location Quotient with a Bootstrap Method. The Journal of Regional Analysis & Policy. 43:2, pp. 186-197. (2013).
Cooper, Joyce, Randall W. Jackson and Nancey Green Leigh. Computational Structure for Linking Life Cycle Assessment and Input-Output Modeling: A Case Study on Urban Recycling and Remanufacturing. In Giarattani F., G. Hewings and P. McCann. (eds.) Handbook of Industry Studies and Economic Geography , Edward Elgarpublishing. (2013).
Duncan Dustin T.,
Ginafranco Piras, Erin C. Dunn, Renee M. Johnson, Steven J. Melly, and Beth E. Molnar. The Built Environment and Depressive Symptoms Among Urban Youth: A Spatial Regression Study. Spatial
and Spatio-Temporal Epidemiology. 5, pp.11-25. (2013).
Jensen, Christa D., Stuart McIntyre, Max Munday and Karen Turner. Responsibility for Regional Waste Generation: A Single Region Extended Input-Output Analysis for Wales.
Regional Studies, 47:6, pp. 913-933. (2013).
Kalenkoski, Charlene M. and
Donald J. Lacombe. Minimum Wages and Teen Employment: A Spatial Panel Approach.
Papers in Regional Science. 92:2, pp. 407-417. (2013).
Mulligan, Gordon,
Randall W. Jackson and Amanda Krugh. Economic Base Multipliers: A Comparison of ACDS and IMPLAN.
Regional Science Policy and Practice. 5:3, pp. 289-303. (2013).
Piras, Gianfranco. Efficient GMM Estimation of a Cliff and Ord Panel Data Model with Random Effects.
Spatial Economic Analysis. 8:3, pp. 370-388. (2013).
Schaeffer, Peter V.,
Mulugeta S. Kahsai and
Randall W. Jackson. Beyond the Rural-Urban Dichotomy: Essay in Honor of Professor A.M. Isserman.
International Regional Science Review. 36:1, pp. 81-96. (2013).
Mulligan, Gordan, Randall W. Jackson, and Amanda Krugh. Economic Base Multipliers: A Comparison of ACDS and IMPLAN. Regional Science Policy & Practice. 5:3, pp. 289-303. (2013).
Court, Christa D., Randall W. Jackson, and Nancy White. The Role of Regional Science in Shale Energy Development. The Review of Regional Studies. Volume 42:2, pp. 99-105. (2012).
Kahsai, Mulugeta A., Chali Nondo, Peter V. Schaeffer, and Tesfa G. Gebremedhin. Income Level and the Energy Consumption-GDP Nexus: Evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa. 34:3, pp. 739-746. (2012).
Jensen, Christa D., and Donald J. Lacombe. A Note on Partitioning Effects Estimates Over Space. Letters in Spatial and Resource Sciences. 5:1, pp. 47-53. (2012).